
The activity of the Polish Beef Association is guided by the fundamental principle of equality of members.

Any person rearing beef cattle and young fattening cattle, producer of suckler cow and persons whos work is related to agriculture and interested in conducting beef cattle rearing may become a member of the Association.

The basis for admission to the Association is the need to submit a declaration of membership. Membership rights are acquired on the day of adopting the Management Board’s resolution on admission to membership.

Send the signed declaration in the form of a scan to the address and in the paper version to the following address: Smulikowskiego 4, 00-389 Warszawa.

Membership Benefits:

Impact on policy making in the beef sector

Providing information on proposed actions for the sector

Access to current market information and sector analyzes

Opportunity to participate in many projects in the field of production quality development

Quality Meat Program

If you are a participant of administered by usQuality Meat Program (QMP) system, you have been recognized as a member of PZPBM on the basis of an application for joining this system.

Resignation from membership in PZPBM requires a written notice with a 3-month notice period.

We invite interested companies to support our activities and join the group of Supporting Members.

We invite entities related to agriculture, livestock production, slaughterhouses and meat plants to support the activities of the Association.

Download and complete the membership declaration. Send the signed declaration in the form of a scan to the address and in paper form to the following address: Polskie Zrzeszenie Producentów Bydła Mięsnego, Smulikowskiego 4, 00-389 Warszawa.


General provisions

§ 1

  1. The name of the Association is the Polish Association of Meat Cattle Producers.
  2. The association may use the abbreviation: PZPBM.
  3. The association will use the name Polish Beef Association in English.

§ 2

The seat of the Association is the city of Warsaw.

§ 3

  1. The Association has legal personality.
  2. The association is a recognized association of producers and operates as an agricultural trade association pursuant to the provisions of the Act of October 8, 1982 on socio-professional organizations of farmers (Journal of Laws No. 32, item 217), it conducts its activities in accordance with the applicable breeding law. On August 20, 1997 on the organization of breeding and reproduction of farm animals (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 207, item 1762 and of 2004, No. 91, item 866), runs a business in accordance with the entry in the court register and applicable regulations in the Republic of Poland.
Subjective and territorial scope of activity
  1. farmers rearing beef cattle and young fattening cattle, producers of mother cows and people directly related to the nature of their work with agriculture and interested in rearing beef cattle.
  2. The Association may be a member of other agricultural organizations, use their aids and devices on the terms set out in their statute.
  3. The Association may form unions of agricultural trade associations.
  4. An Association may be a member of national and foreign associations.
  5. The Association may establish and run companies, branches in the country and abroad, participate in other entities and economic ventures, the goals of which are consistent with the goals of the Association.
  6. The decision to join the organizations listed in point 2, 3, 4 and 5 are undertaken by the Association’s Board.
  7. The area of ​​the Association’s activity is the territory of the Republic of Poland and after it is obtained with the permits required by law, the Association may operate outside the country.
Objectives of the Association and means of their implementation
  1. The aim of the Association is to defend the rights and interests of individual and collective members and to support their activities for their further development in beef cattle breeding, improvement of the quality of produced livestock and qualifications of producers in this area, and improvement of income.
  2. The association achieves its goals by:
    • 2.1. supporting the activities of producers towards increasing production, obtaining uniform high-quality batches of live cattle,
    • 2.2. initiating the formation of producer groups and striving to transform into the Association of Livestock and Beef Producers,
    • 2.3. organizing training and consulting,
    • 2.4. contributing to increasing the profitability of its members’ farms through activities aimed at increasing the quality and productivity of live cattle,
    • 2.5. supporting the production of live cattle and making efforts to obtain outlets for breeding and slaughter cattle,
    • 2.6. cooperation with breeding organizations, in particular with the Polish Association of Beef Cattle Breeders and Producers, production organizations, state administration and scientific institutions,
    • 2.7. production and economic consulting, advertising and promotion of new breeding and agricultural technologies,
    • 2.8. advertising and promotion of beef cattle, beef and veal,
    • 2.9. analyzing and defining the environmental problems of livestock and culinary beef producers, striving to solve them with the competent state authorities or representatives of the relevant communities
    • 2.10. providing assistance in obtaining aid funds from the European Union necessary for further development,
    • 2.11. striving for sales markets in the country and abroad,
    • 2.12. supporting the development of beef in food quality systems,
    • 2.13. conducting research and development and scientific activities.
Object of business activity

§ 6

The Association will conduct economic activity, the subject of activity is:

56.10 A Restaurants and other catering establishments

56.10 B Mobile catering establishments

56.29 Z Other catering service activities

58.11 Z Publishing of books

58.12 Z Publishing of directories and lists (e.g. address, telephone)

58.13 Z Publishing of newspapers

58.14 Z Publishing of magazines and other periodicals

58.19 Z Remaining publishing activities

63.12 Z Activities of internet portals

63.99 Z Other information service activities, elsewhere

70.22 Z Other business consultancy
and management

71.12 Z Engineering activities and related technical consultancy

71.20 A Research and analysis related to food quality

71.20 B Other technical research and analysis

72.11 Z Scientific research and development in the field of biotechnology

72.19 Z Scientific research and development work in the field of other natural and technical sciences

73.11 Z Activities of advertising agencies

73.20 Z Market and public opinion research

74.10 Z Activity in the field of specialist design

74.90 Z Other professional, scientific and technical activities, not elsewhere classified

77.40 Z Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, excluding works protected by copyright

82.99 Z Other activities requiring business activity, not elsewhere classified

85.59 Out-of-school forms of education, not elsewhere classified

85.60 Z Activities supporting education

94.11 Z Activities of commercial organizations and employers

94.12 Z Activities of professional organizations

Members, their rights and obligations

§ 7

  1. The Association follows the basic principle of equality of members in its activities.
  2. Any person who meets the requirements of §4 point 1, who submits a membership declaration, may become a member of the Association, which does not preclude the application for joining the quality management system organized by the Association as such a declaration.
  3. Acquisition of membership rights takes place on the day of adopting a resolution by the Management Board of the Association, which does not exclude the fact that the resolution on admission to membership may be blanket and indicate that all persons who meet the conditions set out in this resolution are accepted as members. , in particular persons joining the quality management system organized by the Association.

§ 8

The basic duty of the members of the Association is to comply with and implement the provisions of the Statute and the resolutions, regulations and orders adopted by the General Meeting of Members, the Congress of Delegates and the Management Board.

§ 9

  1. The Management Board of the Association, by way of a resolution adopted, may withdraw membership from a member who does not perform the obligations arising from the Articles of Association or who has not paid the membership fee for at least 3 months.
  2. The Management Board’s decision to withdraw membership may be appealed against to the Congress of Delegates.
  3. Each member of the Association may terminate its membership with a 3-month notice period.

§ 10

  1. The Association may award the title of a Supporting Member to natural and legal persons who support the Association financially or ideally.
  2. The title of a Supporting Member does not give any membership rights, nor does it grant active or passive voting rights. A Supporting Member is not a member of the Association.
  3. The Supporting Member has the right to participate in the General Meeting as an observer without voting rights.
  4. The Association may award the title of Honorary Member to natural or legal persons who have made special contributions to the Association.
  5. The title of an Honorary Member does not give any membership rights, nor does it grant active or passive voting rights. A Supporting Member is not a member of the Association.
Bodies of the Association

§ 11

  1. The bodies of the Association are:
    • General Meeting of Members
    • Congress of Delegates
    • Management
    • Revision Committee
    • Collegial Court
  2. The bodies of the Association act collectively and are responsible for the implementation of objectives and tasks in accordance with their competences.
  3. The term of office of the Association’s bodies is 4 years, subject to paragraph 4
  4. The term of office of the Association’s bodies for the second term is 6 years. The entry into force will apply to the bodies elected at the General Meeting on June 16, 2009.

§ 12

General Meeting of Members

The General Assembly of Members is a body whose powers include the appointment and dismissal of delegates participating in the Congress of Delegates:

  1. adopting the Articles of Association and changes to the Articles of Association,
  2. appointing and dismissing the Management Board, the Audit Committee of the Association, the Peer Court,
  3. defining the program of activities of the Association,
  4. determining membership fees,
  5. adopting a resolution to dissolve the Association, use assets and appoint liquidators from among its own group,
  6. awarding honorary membership.

§ 13

The General Assembly of Members is convened by the Management Board at least once every 4 years until the end of the first quarter of the election year.

§ 14

For important reasons, at the request of at least 10% of members, the Management Board is obliged to convene a General Meeting of Members within 1 month from the date of receipt of the request.

§ 15

  1. Notification about the General Meeting of Members with the agenda should be sent 14 days before its date.
  2. Notification shall be sent by post or e-mail to the e-mail address provided to the Association by a member of the Association.

§ 16

  1. Resolutions of the General Meeting of Members are adopted by a simple majority of votes, in the presence of at least 1/2 (one-second) of the Association’s members on the first date or regardless of the number of attendees on the second date set on the same day.
  2. Acting through a proxy is prohibited, except for members who are legal persons or organizational units without legal personality.

§ 17

  1. Delegates to the Congress of Delegates are selected from among candidates who are members of the Association having the right to vote at the General Meeting of Members who have agreed to act as a delegate in the event of their election.
  2. Candidates for delegates are selected by the Management Board or at least 10% of members participating in the General Meeting of Members.
  3. The number of delegates elected by the General Meeting of Members depends on the number of members of the Association as at the date of the General Meeting of Members and is carried out according to the rule of 1 delegate for every 40 members of the Association starting.

§ 17 a

Congress of Delegates

  1. Adopting the Articles of Association and Amendments to the Articles of Association,
  2. Defining the program of activities of the Association,
  3. Appointing and dismissing the Management Board, the Audit Committee of the Association, the Peers’ Court,
  4. Determining membership fees,
  1. Granting honorary membership,
  2. Adoption of a resolution on the dissolution of the Association, use of assets and appointment of liquidators from among its own group.

§ 17

The Congress of Delegates is convened by the Management Board at least once a year, not later than 6 months after the end of the calendar year.

§ 17 c

For important reasons, at the request of at least 10% of delegates, the Management Board is obliged to convene the Congress of Delegates within 1 month from the date of receipt of the request.

§ 17 d

  1. Notification about the Congress of Delegates with the agenda should be sent 14 days before its date.
  2. The notification shall be sent by post or e-mail to the e-mail address provided to the Association by the member of the Association being a delegate.

§ 17 e

  1. The resolutions of the Congress of Delegates, except for the exceptions provided for in this Statute, are taken by a simple majority of votes, with the presence of at least (one-half) of the Congress of Delegates on the first date or regardless of the number of attendees on the second date set on the same day.
  2. In the event of resignation during the term of office of members of the Association’s governing bodies, namely the Board, the Audit Committee and the Peers’ Court, these authorities have the right to co-opt, however, the number of co-opted members may not exceed 1/2 (one-second) of the number of elected members.

§ 17 e

After the end of the calendar year, but not later than 6 months after it, the Congress of Delegates is obliged to adopt a resolution on granting a vote of approval to the Association’s Management Board and accepting the balance sheet for the financial year.

§ 18

Association Board

The Management Board is the executive body of the Association, whose powers include making decisions in all matters not reserved to the competence of the General Meeting of Members and the Congress of Delegates.

§ 19

  1. The Management Board consists of the President. The Management Board may also include 2-6 Members of the Management Board. The Management Board may elect one or two Vice-Chairmen from among its members.
  2. Members of the Management Board are appointed at the request of the President, who indicates the number of positions of Management Board members and candidates for these positions. The Congress of Delegates approves or rejects the President’s proposal.
  3. The dismissal of the Management Board during the term of office requires an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least 1/2 (one-half) of the Congress of Delegates.
  4. The basic tasks of the Management Board include:

o a) managing the work of the Association,

    • b) organization of the Association’s executive structures, agencies, offices, scientific, training and research facilities, local units,
    • c) developing program tasks for a given year,
    • d) making decisions on the use of funds accumulated on the Association’s bank account,
    • f) hiring employees and appointing people to managerial positions,
    • g) developing work and pay regulations and determining the scopes of employees’ responsibilities,
    • h) defining the rules and procedures for supervision over business activity,

i) preparation of reports on the Association’s activities at least once a year and submission of the balance sheet for the financial year to the Congress of Delegates,

i) preparation of reports on the Association’s activities at least once a year and submission of the balance sheet for the financial year to the Congress of Delegates,

j) cooperation with the Audit Committee of the Association,

    • k) organization of training courses and scientific and research symposia, and I) awarding the title of a Supporting Member.
  1. The Management Board makes decisions by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the Members of the Management Board, if appointed.

§ 20

Revision Committee

  1. The Audit Committee is the control body of the Association consisting of the Chairman and 2 members.
  2. The powers of the Audit Committee include in particular:

a) substantive, financial and property control of the Association’s activities,

  • b) control of compliance with the provisions of the Statute, resolutions of the General Meeting of Members, Congress of Delegates and the Management Board,

c) making an annual assessment of the activities of the Association’s Management Board and submitting motions for the Delegates’ Congress to discharge the Management Board and approve the balance sheet for the financial year.

§ 21

The meeting of the Audit Committee is held at least twice a year.

§ 22

The Audit Committee elects the Chairman from among its members at the first meeting.

§ 23

Collegial Court

  1. The Collegial Court consists of three to five members elected by the Congress of Delegates.
  2. The Collegial Court elects from among itself, by a simple majority of votes, the Chairman of the Court.


§ 24

The tasks of the Collegial Court include considering cases concerning alleged violations of the provisions of the Statute by members of the Association and disputes between members.

§ 25

The rules of operation of the Collegial Court and the penalty system are set out in the regulations adopted by the Congress of Delegates. The Collegial Court submits disciplinary motions for the decision of the Board.

Representation of the Association

§ 26

  1. The Management Board is represented by the President and Members of the Management Board, if appointed. Each of them is a legal representative of the Association in accordance with the manner of representing the Association set out in the next section. This representation covers all judicial and extrajudicial activities related to the running of the Association’s activities.
  2. The following are authorized to make statements on behalf and for the benefit of the Association:
    1. President of the Management Board independently – if no Members of the Management Board have been appointed
    2. If members of the Management Board have been appointed – the President and a member of the Management Board or two members of the Management Board acting jointly,
    3. A proxy acting jointly with a member of the Management Board or the President,
    4. proxies appointed to perform actions of a specific type or individual actions within the powers of attorney granted to them by the Management Board, drawn up in ordinary written form, unless a special provision requires another form.

The Management Board deals with all the affairs of the Association, unless they are reserved by law or statutorily assigned to other bodies of the Association.

Executive structures of the Association

§ 27

  1. The Association carries out its activities through:
    • Headquarters (Office of the Association) with its seat in Warsaw,
    • Field structures (voivodeship, poviat, town and commune offices).

§ 28

  1. The organization and appointment of local office structures by the Association’s Management Board depends on the needs and mainly on the number of members of the Association operating in the area.
Procedure of liquidation of the Association

§ 32

A resolution on dissolving the Association and opening its liquidation is adopted on the basis of a resolution of the General Meeting by a majority of 2/3 votes, with at least half of the members present on the first date, or with any number of members present on the second date set within 30 days from the date of the first date on in the absence of the required number of members on the first date.

§ 33

The resolution to dissolve the Association must be made in the form of a notarial deed.

§ 34

The liquidation is opened after the decision on the dissolution of the Association by the Court becomes final.

§ 35

The liquidators may be members of the Management Board or other persons appointed by a resolution of the Congress of Delegates as liquidators.

Final and transitional provisions

§ 36

The Association’s statute comes into force on the date of its registration in the National Court Register and the adoption of the relevant resolution by the relevant body of the Association.